Sunday, February 7, 2010

False Doctrine. is GOD Pleased with it??? ?

What is false doctrine? 1. how does it affect or effect me physically and or spiritually? 2. Does GOD accept or is he pleased with false doctrine? 3. is false doctrine dangerous, if so, how do I get away from it? 4. The bible talks about false doctrine. Is it to be taken literal or can we do anything in the name of GOD? 5. Revelation 21:5 says ALL False Doctrine. is GOD Pleased with it??? ?
OF COURSE ITS DANGEROUS! Why do you think the Bible warns us about it. How do you get away from it? A: resist the devil and he will flee from you. How do you recongnize it? A: read your Bible, know your word and then test any spirit against the Bible and see if it is true. If it contradicts the Bible in anyway, such as the book of Mormon does, then you will know that the doctrine is not of God and should be rebuked. You also mentioned ';the Bible says'; this can also be a trap if using the wrong ';Bible';. Use the King James Version and you can rest assured that you are using nothing less than the true infallible Word of God. False Doctrine. is GOD Pleased with it??? ?
false doctrine is doctrine that does not align with the word of God. yes it can affect you spiritually. for example, there are some who argue that the gifts of the spirit (1 corinthians 12) no longer operate. well, it doesn't say that they are supposed to quit and several people operate in them. what if you are a prophet or a healer but never get into an atmosphere that allows you to grow in that area, for example? i used to be in an environment like that but i was under false doctrine. now, i am really ';doing the stuff!'; and God is awesome. So basically, it's false if it doesn't line up with the word. Peace.
False Doctrine. is GOD Pleased with it??? ?


What is false doctrine?

Any teaching that is contrary to the Apostles doctrines.

1. how does it affect or effect me physically and or spiritually?

If you eat false doctrine (spiritually speaking), it will confuse you and make you spiritually sick. Confusion is of the devil.

If you eat garbage what does that do to you physically?...makes you sick.

2. Does GOD accept or is he pleased with false doctrine?

No, and He warns us time and time again to stay away from false teachers, false prophets, and false doctrine.

3. is false doctrine dangerous, if so, how do I get away from it?

Yes, it's very dangerous and can affect even your own salvation.

How do you get away from false doctrine? By taking the doctrines of the Apostles at face value (literal). Test those doctrines that are being taught, and if they do not line up with the truth (the apostles doctrines)

Then run!

4. The bible talks about false doctrine. Is it to be taken literal or can we do anything in the name of GOD?

Yes, it's literal. Count every man a liar and God be true.

No, we cannot do anything in the name of God, though many do and will face certain judgement.

Matthew 7:21-24 (KJV)

21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

There is a lot of false doctrine. Much of it has been perpetrated upon the people for hundreds of years - including the idea of the Trinity that came out of the Council of Nicea. Nothing will change a lie or falsehood into truth. NOTHING!

The Most High Lord God of ALL Creation has ETERNAL consequences for those who perpetrate and practice false doctrine! The penalties are very real for such and many are shocked when they find out what they've been doing is repeating such falsities whether out of ignorance or deliberately!

The Most High requires adherence to his Holy Laws and never changed his requirement for doing so. Much of why the world is in the state that it is in is because of disobedience to His Holy Laws!

It affects/effects people spiritually as well as physically.

The Most High can and will BURN those who Do, Perpetrate, and Practice false doctrines. Yes, it is dangerous to disobey His Holy Ways. You can become a Proven Knower of the Great Testimony and learn how to put False Doctrines away from you.

The WHOLE TRUTH is documented in The Anointed, The Elect, and The Damned! which is free online.

what is false doctrine to one, may not be to another. consider the culture of the writer when the writer wrote the book in the bible.

look at it this way: anything that you feel is dangerous, and is against your core beliefs, would be false doctrine to you. God has given us innate wisdom. we get a sense when something is not right for us.

we get a peaceful, loving, joyful feeling when it is. when our conscience is telling us no, and we do it anyway...we have done something false. there are many doctrines, with many folks saying theirs is biblebased and true, and another saying theirs is also, but yet, they differ. focus on you and your own personal relationship with God. God is love, plain and simple.

remember that one thing, and you will spiritually grow by leaps and bounds. God sees nothing but beauty in you, regardless of what you see or you think others see or think. let pure LOve, God be your guide.
2Cr 11:4 You seem to believe whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach about a different Jesus than the one we preach, or a different Spirit than the one you received, or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.

Gal 1:9 I will say it again: If anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let God's curse fall upon that person.

God hates false doctrine. False doctrine is a set of lies made by power-hungry, insecure individuals who are desperate to see others back them up.
Basically, you've got a brain - Use it.

If unsure - Ask. If unconvinced - Reject.

if at a cross-roads, literal first.

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