Monday, February 8, 2010

Can someone explain clearly why bible alone is a false man made doctrine?

And why it was invented in the 1600s to allow people to divorce and remarry etc.

Explain why from the time of the apostles and Jesus that there was no new testement and that the early church was founded on tradition not a book.

How can people say that the Holy Spirit interprets the bible when everyone who claims to have the holy spirit interprets it differently

Can someone explain all this thanksCan someone explain clearly why bible alone is a false man made doctrine?
“Can someone explain clearly why bible alone is a false man made doctrine?”

It is because the Bible was compiled and written by Christ’s Church as a supplement to the teaching of the Church. St. Paul said to hold fast to both the written and spoken Word and made no distinction between the two. The Bible never says that the written word alone is authoritative but instead the Bible states from the teaching of Jesus and the apostles that it is only the Church through apostolic succession is authoritative.

“And why it was invented in the 1600s to allow people to divorce and remarry etc.”

I don’t know this one as it is more of a legal question than a theological one.

“Explain why from the time of the apostles and Jesus that there was no new testement and that the early Church was founded on tradition not a book.”

Jesus never commanded the Church to write anything. The Church did not see the need for Canon until it was needed to combat heresies and at that time the Church decided Canon to separate those writings which were not inspired from those that were. Pope Gelasius banned those books that were considered heretical.

“How can people say that the Holy Spirit interprets the bible when everyone who claims to have the holy spirit interprets it differently”

The Holy Spirit was given to the Church to guide the Church to all truth. The Holy Spirit works in individuals to bring them to faith and to assist them to endure. But, it is the teaching of the Church guided by the Holy Spirit where the truth is found according to the teaching of the Church and Holy Scripture.

In Christ

Fr. JosephCan someone explain clearly why bible alone is a false man made doctrine?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The Bible is NOT a false man-made doctrine.

Did you know that one of Eziekiel's [sorry if that's a typo] prophecies just came true in the 1700's? How cool is that.

The Bible talks about rebellions, wars, disobedience, marrying prostitutes, and prophecies that didn't seem like they would ever be fulfilled. If it was man-made, they would take all that out!
You would not disagree that that is in this book is the truth would you? So what would you put on the cover of the book instead of the word Bible. So until you can come up with a better tittle than Bible, the word Bible is perfectly fine with me. Besides they have books that are Bible and they do not say King James Bible on the cover.
1. The bible alone (or Sola Scriptura) is a false doctrine because if the bible alone had all the answers you would find Sola Scriptura in the scriptures. It's not. (Just as Faith alone (Sola Fide) was never in the Bible until Martin Luther added it in Romans). By the time of John Wesley (200 years into the Reformation) people were actualy abandoning Sola Scriptura (although still officially in the doctrine) iin practice. Look at the Wesley Quadrilateral, They were already beginning to realize scripture without a contextual framework was easily and completely misunderstood. Won't let me link the Wesley Quad you can google it.

2. At the time of Jesus and the Apostles there was not only not a New Testament, there was also not a concrete Old Testament. Jesus and the Apostles often spoke from the Septaugint. The Hebrew canon was not officially closed to what is now the Tanakh until around 100 CE. All traditions were passed down orally, it is through these traditions that the meansing of the few written scriptures people had were interpreted. No one went off and said well I decided this means this disregarding Tradition. Also there was no set cscripture for Christians for 400 years. People had fragments the oral tradition is what Jesus and the Apostles left us.

3. The Holy Spirit does interpret the Bible but it is suppose to be used in conjunction with tradition and historical context. Those that interpret it radically differently are missing one or more of the 3.
Because MAN wrote it and has re-written it many, many times. The original scrolls were two difficult to interpret so they changed it themselves to say what they wanted it to say all under the pretense of making it easier to read for you.

Then King James got hold of it and really screwed it up!

From time to time it seems like someone was sitting on top of a hill and just explaining how things came to be they tried to put logic in a world that had none. Sometimes that is what I get from the ';Author'; They were day dreaming one day.
1600s not the time -the old testement time was. Jesus and the desiples were the new testement.last, people read and have different opions on what was sead.each person reads his on.and thinks his on.
Just read it closely. It will be self evident that it is a work of fiction, by human beings. It has more contradictions, absurdities, and impossibilities than any book of fiction ever written.
many will say it is false, those who have accepted Jesus grace and know God know that it is true.

Satan would have you believe it is false. What you believe or want to believe is your choice. I am delighted to accept the Bible as truth
How can the bible be the correct word of God, When God doesn't even believe the word. -Jeremiah 8:8
As the real scholars and they'll likely tell you that it's not really certain who actually wrote the Bible in the first place.
Yes, Abrahamic belief is nonsense. Hope that clears this up.
What in the Hell are you talking about?
What is your Scriptural basis for this?

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