Monday, February 8, 2010

Do atheists just use big words to confuse people and trick them into following false doctrines?

I mean big words like ';floccinaucinihilipilification,'; ';thermodynamics,'; and ';evidence.';Do atheists just use big words to confuse people and trick them into following false doctrines?
Oh, don't floccinaucinihilipilificate. Some of their arguments are really quite...

...oh. You were being sarcastic.Do atheists just use big words to confuse people and trick them into following false doctrines?
I normally use this sort of discombobulating lexicon and verbosity to help theophiles make serendipitous discoveries that might pull them from their tautological balderdash system of beliefs and bring them over to more unoxymoronic cogitations...
Atheists don't have ';doctrines';--just facts %26amp; reality to back up their position.
Gosh, can't afford a dictionary?
yes they do as they do not follow god to truth. or believe in his words at all.
My favorite word is defenestrate. lol
Or//Holy Crap?//or Tithing or ,,,baptism+ OR missionary position
That is an insipid, unfounded and dysphemistic caveat and an encumbrance on the very purpose of non-theism.

Take THAT!!

Evidence... ooh...LOL! (((Vishal)))
It confuses them when I say I am not a liberal but an antidisestablishmentarian.;鈥?/a>

clearly we do. i used 'thermodynamics' earlier....and i got 24 thumbs ups!!! i'm sure it was because everyone just assumed since i used a five syllabled word, i was obviously correct.
Have you been tricked when someone mentioned ';evidence';? I guess some people will fall for anything.
all who don't know the truth about life and existence do. both believers and non-believers.

knowers (jnanis) don't need words anymore.
Heheh, masturbatory juxtaposition. That's what I think of all you theists!
Plese no more tricky false doctors.... really .. you smoke one pound of hash and everyone thinks you are mumbling a mantra Ummmm flocc flocc floccinaucinihilipilification ummmmm
Floccinaucinihilipilification seems to be a habit of some atheists and non-atheists in R%26amp;S, but I don't know that I've ever seen it used here before.

I actually enjoy having a full and diverse vocabulary. If those with limited vocabulary have trouble understanding the words I use, they only need to know that understanding is just a dictionary away. A little education never hurt anyone.

i cannot understand your predoctrinityfalserealizationingobamaosa鈥?tonight.
Yes they do, especially in chemistry class. When they are explaining the mystery of Tetramethyldiamidobenzhydrols. :)
Oh, yeah, Vishal? Well, how about ontological discourse, prolegomena, eschatology and parousia. And don't get me started on all those German theologians! 'Cause they can speak big religious words *in German.*
You mean like Twoallbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucechee鈥?honorificabilitudinitatibus %26amp; agathokakological?
When dealing with people who blindly follow ';religions'; in defiance of all the available evidence one is obviously dealing with a group of people who have a very high valency for being deluded. The real trick is to get them to become rational and real human beings by presenting facts, evidence and rational arguments, rather than the delusions, lies and fantasies that so clearly appeal to them.
I rarely use big words,mostly because I can't spell worth a damn.
Heeey. We can't even spell Atheist right.

Most of them use big words because they think it makes them intelligent.

Like Bill O'Reilly and his ';pithy'; comments.

Ignorant. Now there is a word that many atheists and Bill O'Reilly have in common.
evidence, really that is how its spelled? wow, that is a tough one, yea them dumb atheists just making stuff up trying to confuse us simple minded, foil hat wearing Christians.
no, they are merely stating logical things, too bad if you can't understand them.
yes.... but I dont think it is as much trickery as it is reality....
(haha) thats a good one...=) Keep up the good work..I like it!!!
Well atheist do have one doctrine and its the belief that there is not such thing as a god. They don't have proof or evidence that there is no God. So at least they have this doctrine in common.

As for the big words. Two choices.

1. They can represent what you are thinking better than short ones. (usability)

2. Or they can simply be used in order to seem that you are educated. (Ego)

Either way, its not to trick anyone.
They don't know anything about right and wrong, so they use worthless big words.
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