There are no false doctrines. Every one of our teachings and beliefs is completely in harmony with God's Word, the Bible. God leads his people progressively and has, at times, had to readjust the thinking of his people to fully understand Bible truths. In the early days of God's earthly organization it was believed, like so many still wrongly believe today, that holiday celebrations like Christmas honor God. It was also wrongly believed, by some, that the end would come at a particular time. However, as the scriptures state in the book of Psalms, the truth is like a light that gets brighter and brighter as the end draws closer. So in that way, certain teachings had to be realigned with the scriptures and people had to be readjusted in their thinking. As a whole, however, the very basic truths remain unchanged and Jehovah's Witnesses still acknowledge the Bible's stand that Jehovah God is Almighty God alone, not some part of a false religious trinity, and that Jesus Christ is the now-reigning king of God's heavenly kingdom, soon to bring vengeance upon this system of things controlled by Satan.I want to know more about the false doctrines of Jehovah's Witneseses?
They had a thing with the world ending a few decades ago.
The first time they thought the world would end was in 1874, then 1881, 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, and after that, I think they sort of settled down to a less definite end-date.
Details on this, and more end-of-the-world lunacy, in the links below!I want to know more about the false doctrines of Jehovah's Witneseses?
These are some of the JW's beliefs, they may be false in your opinion, but it is only your opinion. Read and learn.
鈥ible is God鈥檚 Word and is truth.
鈥ible is more reliable than tradition.
鈥od鈥檚 name is Jehovah.
鈥hrist is God鈥檚 Son and is inferior to Him.
鈥hrist was first of God鈥檚 creations.
鈥hrist died on a stake, not a cross.
鈥hrist鈥檚 human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans.
鈥hrist鈥檚 one sacrifice was sufficient.
鈥hrist was raised from the dead as an immortal spirit person.
鈥hrist鈥檚 presence is in spirit.
鈥e are now in the 鈥榯ime of the end鈥?
鈥ingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peace.
鈥ingdom will bring ideal living conditions to earth.
鈥arth will never be destroyed or depopulated.
鈥od will eliminate present system of things in the battle at Har-Magedon.
鈥icked will be eternally destroyed.
鈥eople God approves will receive everlasting life.
鈥here is only one road to life.
鈥uman death is due to Adam鈥檚 sin.
鈥he human soul ceases to exist at death.
鈥ell is mankind鈥檚 common grave.
鈥ope for dead is resurrection.
鈥damic death will cease.
鈥nly a little flock of 144,000 goes to heaven and rule with Christ.
鈥he 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God.
鈥ew covenant is made with spiritual Israel.
鈥hrist鈥檚 congregation is built upon himself.
鈥rayers are to be directed to Jehovah through Christ.
鈥mages should not be used in worship.
鈥piritism must be shunned.
鈥atan is invisible ruler of the world.
鈥 Christian ought to have no part in interfaith movements.
鈥 Christian should keep separate from the world.
鈥bey human laws that do not conflict with God鈥檚 laws.
鈥aking blood into the body through the mouth or veins violates God鈥檚 laws.
鈥ible鈥檚 laws on morals must be obeyed.
鈥abbath observance was given only to Israel and ended with Mosaic Law.
鈥 clergy class and special titles are improper.
鈥an did not evolve but was created.
鈥hrist set example that must be followed in serving God.
鈥aptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedication.
鈥hristians gladly give public testimony to Scriptural truth.
鈥hrist set up invisible kingdom in 1914.
鈥esurrection of 144,000 of anointed class began soon after 1914.
鈥hrist was the Archangel Michael before he was born of Mary.
鈥he Holy Spirit is not a person but is God鈥檚 active force.
----------- ANSWER #1 -----------
Aside from the long list of changed doctrines and false prophecies on when the world would end/Christ would return, one biggie is how they achieve ';salvation.';
They are taught that salvation requires knowledge ABOUT God and Jesus Christ. The New World Translation's faulty rendering of John 17:3 teaches that an *intellectual knowledge* of God and his Son is what will save them from their sins.
However, knowing and trusting in Jesus personally, like you know your best friend, is what John 17:3 says is required.
----------- ANSWER #2 -----------
Regarding Frank's answer below, I would agree with some and disagree with others as being ';Bible truths.'; I will comment on each:
鈥ible is God鈥檚 Word and is truth.
%26gt; TRUE. But it all depends on which Bible you use. The JW's NWT Bible exists to reinforce many of the false doctrines below.
鈥ible is more reliable than tradition.
%26gt; TRUE. And the Watch Tower Society's traditions change frequently. Many of the items listed below are contradictions of earlier teachings and practices.
鈥od鈥檚 name is Jehovah.
%26gt; COULD BE TRUE. God's name in Hewbrew is ';YHWH.'; We don't really know how to pronounce it. Jesus said to call him ';Father.';
鈥hrist is God鈥檚 Son and is inferior to Him.
%26gt; TRUE and FALSE. Yes Jesus is God's Son, but the Bible does not teach that Christ is ';inferior'; to anyone. Jesus said that God is ';greater,'; not ';better.'; Greater is a term used to describe position (like the President is greater than the Vice President).
鈥hrist was first of God鈥檚 creations.
%26gt; FALSE. The Bible does not teach this. The Bible says that Jesus created ALL things on heaven and on earth. It says he was the ';firstborn'; of all creation, meaning in all things he has preeminence.
鈥hrist died on a stake, not a cross.
%26gt; PROBABLY FALSE, but it really doesn't matter. The greek word used in the New Testament can be translated as either a stake or a cross. However, the Bible says that ';nails'; (plural, not singular) held down Jesus's hands. This would indicate that his hands were stretched out (like on a cross), not up over his head (like on a stake).
鈥hrist鈥檚 human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans.
%26gt; TRUE AND FALSE. Christ's death paid the price for our sins. Faith is first, then obedience to the gospel allows us to recieve this gift of salvation.
鈥hrist鈥檚 one sacrifice was sufficient.
%26gt; TRUE. However, The Watch Tower Society teaches its followers that the organization is necessary for salvation. Jesus ';plus'; the Society is what is required. Jesus alone, they believe, is not enough.
鈥hrist was raised from the dead as an immortal spirit person.
%26gt; FALSE. Jesus was raised physically, not just spiritually. Jesus said ';destroy my body and in three days I will raise it up.'; He even let his disciples touch his ressurrected body as proof he wasn't just a spirit.
鈥hrist鈥檚 presence is in spirit.
%26gt; TRUE. Yes, Christ's spirit indwells the Christian. But I believe he's referring to Christ's return, which the watchtower says already happened ';in spirit'; in 1914. Jesus said he'd return to earth in ';like manner';. He left with a body, he will return with one too.
鈥e are now in the 鈥榯ime of the end鈥?
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥ingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peace.
%26gt; TRUE. But the Watch Tower believes that Jesus will ';rule'; from heaven, eternally separated from most of his followers who must rebuild planet earth following the great tribulation.
鈥ingdom will bring ideal living conditions to earth.
%26gt; TRUE. But the Watchtower doesn't believe in a ';new earth'; as the Bible teaches, but one that must be rebuilt by those who survive armmageddon.
鈥arth will never be destroyed or depopulated.
%26gt; FALSE. The Bible teaches there will be a new earth following God's final judgement.
鈥od will eliminate present system of things in the battle at Har-Magedon.
%26gt; TRUE. However, the Watch Tower has falsely predicted when this will happen. CT Russell, founder of the Watch Tower Society, taught that 1914 would mark ';the end'; of all present governments.
鈥icked will be eternally destroyed.
%26gt; COULD BE TRUE. Depends on how you interpret eternal judgement. The WatchTower does not believe in eternal punishment, but the destruction of the soul.
鈥eople God approves will receive everlasting life.
%26gt; TRUE and FALSE. The Bible says that God wishes that NONE should perish, but all would have eternal life. It is up to the individual to put his/her faith in Christ and accept this gift of eternal life.
鈥here is only one road to life.
%26gt; TRUE. The road is narrow that leads to everlasting life. However, the Watch Tower teaches that it alone is that road. All Christian denominations (Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics, etc.) are tools of satan.
鈥uman death is due to Adam鈥檚 sin.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥he human soul ceases to exist at death.
%26gt; FALSE. (Unless he's saying there's a difference between the soul and the spirit). The Bible teaches that the spirit is eternal.
鈥ell is mankind鈥檚 common grave.
%26gt; FALSE. Hell was created to punish the devil and his angels. Revelation teaches that wicked mankind will also call it home one day.
鈥ope for dead is resurrection.
%26gt; TRUE. However, the hope is to be with God. The Watch Tower only believes that 144,000 will be with God in heaven. The rest are second class believers that will spend eternity separated from him as they rebuild planet earth.
鈥damic death will cease.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥nly a little flock of 144,000 goes to heaven and rule with Christ.
%26gt; FALSE. Revelation teaches that the 144,000 are Jewish, male virgins.
鈥he 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God.
%26gt; FALSE. Jesus taught that if you believe in him you ARE born again. All belivers are ';born again';, not just the 144,000.
鈥ew covenant is made with spiritual Israel.
%26gt; FALSE. Paul wrote in Romans 11 that God has not and will not cast away his people for ever. In the end they will be saved. The Watch Tower teaches that God is done with Israel, and that it is the new ';spiritual Israel.';
鈥hrist鈥檚 congregation is built upon himself.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥rayers are to be directed to Jehovah through Christ.
%26gt; TRUE and FALSE. Jesus taught that we should pray to ';our Father in heaven.'; However, there are Biblical examples where Jesus also recieves direct prayer.
鈥mages should not be used in worship.
%26gt; TRUE and FALSE. Idol-worship is sin, all images are not.
鈥piritism must be shunned.
%26gt; TRUE. But the Watchtower once recommended a book called ';Angels and Women'; that was written by a known spiritist.
鈥atan is invisible ruler of the world.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥 Christian ought to have no part in interfaith movements.
%26gt; FALSE. Unity should be encouarged among Christian denominations. The Watch Tower wants no part of Christian denominations, since it teaches they are of satan. When the Watch Tower says ';Christian'; it is referring only to itself.
鈥 Christian should keep separate from the world.
%26gt; TRUE. But the Watch Tower defines this in a way that requires complete separation from everything not deemed appropriate by the organization. The Bible doesn't say you shouldn't vote or run for governmental office.
鈥bey human laws that do not conflict with God鈥檚 laws.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥aking blood into the body through the mouth or veins violates God鈥檚 laws.
%26gt; FALSE. The early church wrote that we should abstain from blood. Context is everything here, and nowhere does the Bible say that having a blood transfusion to save the life of your daughter could be sinful. Countless children have died becuase of the Watch Tower's faulty interpreation of this scripture.
鈥ible鈥檚 laws on morals must be obeyed.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥abbath observance was given only to Israel and ended with Mosaic Law.
%26gt; TRUE. A Christian is not under Law but under grace.
鈥 clergy class and special titles are improper.
%26gt; TRUE and FALSE. The Bible teaches there are roles for bishops and deacons. Even the Watch Tower uses titles (elders, presidents, etc.). However, the Watch Tower teaches a two-class Christianity, where only the special 144,000 are to take the communion and will see Christ in heaven.
鈥an did not evolve but was created.
%26gt; TRUE.
鈥hrist set example that must be followed in serving God.
%26gt; TRUE. But let's not forget that Christ was the creator of the universe, the image of the invisible God!
鈥aptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedication.
%26gt; TRUE AND FALSE. Baptism is the outward expression of an inward conversion. The Bible says it represents being dead and burried with Christ, then being born again in Him.
鈥hristians gladly give public testimony to Scriptural truth.
%26gt; TRUE. But the Watch Tower ';guilts'; their followers into knocking on doors.
鈥hrist set up invisible kingdom in 1914.
%26gt; FALSE. Christ never said he was going to set up an invisible Kingdom. He said when he returns that every eye would see him.
鈥esurrection of 144,000 of anointed class began soon after 1914.
%26gt; FALSE. The 144,000 are Jewish male virgins, not special Jehovah's Witnesses.
鈥hrist was the Archangel Michael before he was born of Mary.
%26gt; FALSE. Jesus created the angels, he wasn't one himself. Hewbrews 1 asks ';To which of the angels did God ever call his son';? The answer: none.
鈥he Holy Spirit is not a person but is God鈥檚 active force.
%26gt; FALSE. You cannot lie to rocks, trees, or ';forces.'; The Bible says that the Holy Spirit was grieved and lied to, and only a person can be lied to.
JethroJimBob gives a fairly accurate example of the beliefs of the JWs. They might attack him (and me) saying that it is all trash and not to read it. He didn't state anything that they don't claim. He simply explained why according to Christian doctrine, it is false. There is historical EVIDENCE that they WRONGLY predicted the coming of Christ. Eventually, since they couldn't get it right, they just changed it to Him coming invisibly. In many of their texts they will claim that they don't believe in the lying, self-seeking way of men. However, in order to make themselves look better, they have changed their bible, their written texts, they predictions, etc. All of this is HISTORICAL FACT. A very small amount of research will provide you will copies of older versions of their bible, in which the context of words is changed in order to fit their own beliefs. Feel free to look at the scriptures they show you in your own bible if you'd like. But they know which ones differ dramatically and will never point you in that direction. The key to groups like this is to look at how they act. Any cult group will have a hard time answering direct questions. Rather, they will answer the question by avoiding it. In my 10 years of working with cult groups, this is the first red flag to go up in my mind. Ask them a direct question, get an indirect answer = likely cult. Feel free to look at the several questions I have answered on this topic where Winky up there has also answered. You will find that he likens me to a KKK member in almost every single one of them. Yet when I ask him for direct scriptural or historical proof, he can't actually give me any. In this, he avoids the question just like he is taught. And instead of behaving like an adult, he attacks me. It is very sad when you think about it. I expect shortly the Watchtower is going to have to issue a law that the Witnesses cannot answer questions on sites like these. I have already heard at least one count of an elder telling a JW to stay off of this site. They will say it is because it is satan spawned or something like that. The TRUTH is, that if they aren't playing mind games with you right there, they can't do a good enough job covering the tracks of the falsehoods of their bible's obvious scriptural untruths. Think twice before becoming involved with a group like this. Satan uses the Watchtower Society very well to veer people off the path of following Jesus Christ. They are sly as foxes or better...wolves in sheeps of the best modern examples of this. The Bible warns heavily against getting caught off guard by such predators.
If you have ever seen a Watchtower magazine, it states under the title ';Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom';.
If you go to Brooklyn, NY, you will see on a building by the Brooklyn Bridge ';Read God's Word Daily';. So, it seems clear to me WHAT JW's are promoting. The message of God's Word MUST be preached and is being accomplished throughout the earth. Could a current understanding of the Bible as we are taught again change as we continue to study and pray for understanding? Yes. And of coarse, that will be next on YOUR list of ';proofs'; that we keep changing are teachings. I personally look forwar to the next ';new understanding';. In a way, I am sure you do as well. My focus on the earth is this, to ';preach this good news of the kingdom'; as stated in Mt.24:14. This is our mission. This is our instruction from Jesus himself. Over 6 million strong worldwide.
Its as ';false'; as it is different to your own beliefs. The bible does say the meek shall inherit the earth, it should have said ';the semantic goofballs who want to split hairs over scripture and the reformed drug addicts who won't shut up about God and don't go Muslim shall inherit the earth'; or something more accurate.
All beliefs are quoted and referenced based on Bible teachings. You can use your own copy of the Bible to verify authenticity of their claims. If you do not believe in the Bible, then you will not likely believe the claims.
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