But this could lead to recession of sorts ...... because the Fundies will be out of work so the Governments will have tough time with social security problems. There could be loss of jobs in the Printing Industry as religious printing works will be affected. It would also affect thousands who are employed directly or indirectly in furtherance of religious goals. It will see fall of many governments as well as disappearance of many boundaries. It might be possible that some wise, earthy human will emerge who will not proclaim him self God or son of God but a champion of humanity and up holder of humanitarian values.Take religion away, take social prejudice away, take hate away and all false doctrines and what have you left?
Atmo Disha, I liked your answer a lot too.
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Take religion away, take social prejudice away, take hate away and all false doctrines and what have you left?
no desire to live.
humans need something to believe, whether its God or believing that there is no higher power.
Take away social prejudice then you really don't have any social classes. No social classes then there is no need to compete against the classes. Eventually Everybody will fade into one class if no one is prejudiced about it. And we can;t have that because some ol' fart always has to complain..a human's desire to be right. everybody wants to be right and no one is going to admit they are wrong unless the see some solid evidence and sometimes even then they are too bull headed.
Hate is always going to exist because not everyone likes everyone. some people really dislike people to a such a degree it would be hate. there is just no way around that. Nobody is ever going to hold hands with a stranger and get like 1000 other people to join hands and sing kumbayah or w/e. maybe a small group of people, but then some social classes may be excluded because of w/e. so really there is no such thing as world peace (sorry Miss America) You're always going to have some bad apples.
Take away false doctrines (which are kinda like rules) then you have chaos. everything has to have some type of structure even if its false. in some people's eyes false doctrines may not be false so taking them away would be disasterous for them.
What would be left? You will have a whole bunch of people crying, screaming and eventually even begging you to give them their religions and false doctrines; their crutches and even their social conditioning, back. You cannot take these things away until people are ready to drop them of their own accord, and that is difficult enough. That is why so few people choose to pursue reality.
Love is just the other side of hate, there is something beyond both called No-thingness, Shunyata. That is the key.
A void is the answer to you badly phrased question.
We are all prejudiced, we all discriminate, the trick is to be aware and to challenge our conceptions. Humanity is a religion, 1939 to 1941.
The mythical garden of Eden ,minus human beings.Planet Earth at its finest before the dawn of human kind.The thing is as long as human kind remains ,the very things that we hate so much and plague the Earth will persist.
Good day.
No sabes nada de lo que dices
estas perdido en tu ignorancia.
religion is a good thing,religion=DDT
The same broken world, except this time without any hope.
A bunch of smart mouth humans trying to kill and dominate each other.
A lot and things would be much better.
atheists and communism....
An earth without humans.
John Lennon
Nothing but lots of lovely love - go for it.
a cold joyless place that i wouldn't want to live in
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