Which of the following has the right doctrine
The First International Anglican Episcopal Lutheran Presbyterian Reformed Methodist Baptist Seventh Day Adventist Pentecostal Nazarene Unitarian Gospel Non Denominational Church and Assembly of God Christ Science Scientist of Latter Day Saints Jehovah Witness Evangelical Christian Restoration Calvary Bible Apostolic Progressive Faith Holiness Universalist Discipleship Congregational Covenant Independent United Communion Fellowship Conference Convention Association and Community Of The Lord. American Baptists, Southern Baptists, Christian Unity Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Duck River %26amp; Kindred Associations of Baptists, Baptist Church of Christ, Freewill Baptists, General Baptists, General Six—Principle Baptists, Independent Baptist Church of America, National Baptist, Evangelical Life %26amp; Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A., Regular Baptists, Separate Baptists, Seventh Day Baptists, Two Seed in the Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, United American Freewill Baptists, United Baptists, Free Communion Baptists, Anti-mission Baptists, Conservative Baptists, Fundamental BaptistsCan you be “one”with someone who believes in false doctrines?
And what makes you different and ''right?''
P.S. I had no idea there were SO MANY different Churches.
You're a fool if you're letting beliefs come between you two.Can you be “one”with someone who believes in false doctrines?
Ummm...atheists. :)
Christ! The more I read it, the more it sounds like keyword spam. 8o
Thats a big list! I can be one with some of them, but not others. Those who recognize the Trinity, consider Jesus to be God the Son, recognize our Salvation to be only through Him and His death on the Cross to be given by grace through faith not through good works but for good works, I can be one with.
Wow thats deep. How can you judge that each church is diffrent and each person believes thier own thing.
That is a subjective answer, as EACH of the afforementioned groups feels that THEY have ';The Right Doctrine';. (Sounds like a movie title, doesn't it?) Why are we so concerned with such trivialities as doctrine in religion? I'd have to say ';None of the above';.
I LOVED this question. It ought to make every one of us THINK.
Did God call us to ';organized religion?'; Which of the above list did YOU pick to join? Its really a mind blower when you look at this list, which is NOT exhaustive by any means, but does show us how many DIFFERENT ';churches'; with different criteria are actually OUT THERE.
God has called us to join a church ';not made with hands';, but one that is called a NEW CREATION, the church which is the Body of Christ. This is a LIVING, BREATHING entity which was brought into being with the ';preaching of Jesus Christ ACCORDING to the REVELATION of the MYSTERY which was KEPT SECRET since the world began';.
This means that the Body of Christ wasn't in existance in the prophetic books, including Mt. , Mk., Lk., and Jn. The ';church'; that was in existance at THAT time was the KINGDOM church, comprised of JEWS ALONE who were under the law of Moses.
Since God has called you to become a member of a BODY , and NOT of a ';church made with hands';...then one needs to be careful that the ';people meeting together with a common goal'; (ie; the definition of a church IS this,by the way) are NOT mistakenly trying to place people under the wrong church program for today. We arent under the Law of Moses, but under the gospel of the GRACE of God.
Where do we find the instructions for THIS church which is the Body of Christ. Scripture tells us ...Romans thru Philemon. That is where we find the ';gospel for OUR SALVATION.'; Another name for that gospel is the gospel of the UNcircumcision.
The gospel for the salvation of the Nation Israel is found in Gen thru Acts, and Hebrews thru Revelation. That is where they find THEIR instructions for the Kingdom Gospel. It involves a literal earthly Kingdom, with a KING and twelve thrones with twelve apostles.
OUR gospel, or good news is found in the instructions given by the RISEN Christ (not Christ in His earthly ministry, which was , in His own words, ';to none but the Nation Israel.';) to OUR APOSTLE...who doesnt happen to be Peter, but Paul...and Paul is the ONE apostle to the Gentiles. The 12 have the instructions to the nation Israel, Paul does NOT.
Very intuitive question and it shows how satan has had time to put together a very impressive ';plan of evil.';
God never called ANYONE to a denomination! I repeat, God never called ANYONE to a denomination!
He calls us to Himself....and we need to know where to find OUR mail, written specifically TO us and ABOUT us.
sometimes you just gotta go with what you know is right in your heart... i go to a non - denominational church and am comfortable there. we try not to get into the nitty gritty feuds that separate many churches these days. All the best to you, friend.
Is that all the choices I get? There has to be a few hundred more.
What an odd question . . .
ok, um, what?
none of the ones you named is absolute truth. accept it and move on. and in answer to your question. yes I am happily married to a vaguely christian man. I am a pagan woman. and while I dont agree with his way of of believeing I find that on most of the issues that sepearte people we agree so what does it matter that he believes in one god and I believe in many gods and goddess. he doesnt try to make me beleive in his one god and I dont try to make him beleive in my many. we agree that love is the highest law.
Can you? Which one do you feel is false. We all try to follow the word as best we can. Yes some add things that aren't there but they will have to answer for that.
Are they false because you don't agree with them?
The Bible and the Bible alone
As a Mormon, we believe that many religions have parts of the truth. But that we have the fulness of the gospel. People are so quick to question Romney on his Mormon faith, what about the other canidates? Contrary to many so called Christians, we do believe in Jesus Christ! He is the cornerstone of our religion! A definition of a Christian is a follower and believer in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in God the Eternal Father and in his Son JESUS Christ and in the Holy Ghost! Guess What people? That makes us Christians! Now Back off!
option 163- The mormon church.
the church of the first born,given as a promise.god has burned his law on the table of my heart';religion was created by man:this is part of the apostacy..(break up of the truth!)
forget jw thata a cult...im living with an agnostic..
Sure you can, don't get all hung up on that stuff!
None of them, since they are all Christian.
';Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?'; (Amos 3:3)
Please consider the following. It is from a tract called ';Come and See';. Compare it to the Scriptures. If it teaches what is found in the Bible, accept it. If it does not teach what is in the Bible reject it! (Isn't that fair?)
By Garland Elkins
The above statement, “COME AND SEE” (John. 1:39), was made by our Lord in response to a question directed to him by two of John’s disciples. The two accepted the Lord’s invitation to “Come and see” and as a result they left John to follow Jesus!
The church of Christ in this community urges you to “Come and see” whether or not this congregation is identical to the “churches of Christ” (Romans16:16) of Paul’s day in name, membership, worship, unity, organization, practice and mission. Following the New Testament completely is that which makes the true church of Christ.
The Lord added the saved to the church that Christ built. (Acts 2:38-41, 47) There was no other church in existence. The same process of obedience that saved them caused the Lord to add them to His church. (Acts 2:47)
Not until hundreds of years later was there a single denomination for one to join! Now there are hundreds of man-made churches but there is no reason to join any of them! Why not be just a Christian? A member of the Lord’s church? (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47; Romans 16:16; Acts 26:28; I Peter 4:16)
Christ promised to build but one church, when he said: “AND I SAY ALSO UNTO THEE, THAT THOU ART PETER, AND UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH; AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT.” (Matthew 16:18) Paul tells us that Christ died for but one church: “HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES, EVEN AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED THE CHURCH, AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR IT;” (Ephesians 5:25)
The words “the church” mean but one. The pronoun “it” can refer to but one. So Christ loved one church; he died for one church; he built one church. Therefore he is the owner of but one church. The plural form “churches” is never used in the New Testament except in reference to a number of local congregations in a certain section of the country, as “THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST SALUTE YOU.” (Romans 16:16) “THE CHURCHES OF JUDEA.” (Galatians 1:22)
It was founded in Jerusalem, on Pentecost, the first one after the resurrection of Christ. This is shown by a number of things. A short time before our Lord died he put the origin of the church in the future when lie said: “UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH” (Matthew 16:18) Students of language know that “will build” is future tense of the verb and shows that the church had not been built when Jesus made this statement. However, beginning with this Pentecost the church was always referred to as present. It was on that day that “THERE WERE ADDED UNTO THEM ABOUT THREE THOUSAND SOULS” (Acts 2:41) “AND THE LORD ADDED TO THE CHURCH DAILY SUCH AS SHOULD BE SAVED.” (Acts 2:47) Never after Pentecost of Acts 2 was it referred to as something to be built. This proves that the church of Christ was established on Pentecost day of the second chapter of Acts. In fact, Peter declares that this was the beginning. (Acts 11:15)
Christ is the head of it - the sole head. Paul says: “AND HATH PUT ALL THINGS UNDER HIS FEET, AND GAVE HIM TO BE THE HEAD OVER ALL THINGS TO THE CHURCH, WHICH IS HIS BODY, THE FULLNESS OF HIM THAT FILLETH ALL IN ALL.” (Ephesians 1:22, 23) “AND HE IS THE HEAD OF THE BODY, THE CHURCH.” (Colossians 1:18) These passages make it clear that when the New Testament speaks of the body of Christ, reference is not made to his physical but to his spiritual body, which is his church. Observe please: (1) Christ is the head of his church. (Colossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22, 23) (2) All who are in Christ are in his body. (Galatians 3:27; Colossians 3:15) (3) All Christians are in Christ. (Romans 6:3; II Corinthians 5:17) (4) Therefore, all Christians are in Christ’s church. Jesus came into the world to establish one, and only one institution through which to save mankind. (Ephesians 3:10, 11, 21)
The church of Christ refuses to accept any human creed in religion. We definitely refuse any uninspired man’s statement, or system of statements, as our rule in religion. Articles of Religion, Confessions of Faith, Disciplines, Church Manuals and Creeds formulated by men are rejected. The word of God - and the word of God alone - we accept as our standard. The following scriptures show this to be the only safe course: “ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, THOROUGHLY FURNISHED UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS.” (II Timothy 3:16.17)
Therefore we implore all to go back to the Bible. Remember the Bible is right!
The church of Christ has no creed but the Christ, the son of God. It pleads for the unity of all believers in Christ on the simple plan of speaking where the Bible speaks and by remaining silent where it is silent, by wearing Bible names and by doing Bible things in Bible ways.
It seeks to obey the divine injunction given by Paul in I Corinthians 1:10 “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” Our aim is to fulfill the Lord’s prayer for unity as stated in John 17:21. We seek to plant New Testament churches through out the world after the New Testament pattern.
Belief in Christ (Acts 16:31) Repentance of sins (Acts 17:30) Confession of faith in Christ (Acts 8:36, 37) and baptism (Acts 2:38, 41, 47; Mark. 16:16; Acts 22:16)
Peter declared “BAPTISM DOTH ALSO NOW SAVE US.” (I Peter 3:21) We are saved by the blood of Christ which was shed in the death of Christ but no accountable person ever contacts that blood until he is baptized into his death. (Romans 6:3)
Salvation is in Christ, (II Timothy 2:10) but one cannot get into Christ except by baptism. (Galatians 3:27)
The items of worship are: Teaching (Acts 2:42; II Timothy 2:2); Praying (Acts 2:42); and Giving (I Corinthians 16:1, 2) Giving is an act of worship that must be done on a certain day of the week. As the original language clearly states, it was done on the first day of every week. Raffling contests and other such methods of raising money for the church were not practiced by the congregations under the direction of inspired men of the first century, and those who do such things today are not identical with congregations of the first century. Partaking of the Lord’s supper is another act of worship. (I Corinthians 11:23-29) Does the New Testament specify a certain day for the observance of the Lord’s supper? Yes! The day is clearly pointed out in Acts 20:7. The only day anyone can partake of the Lord’s Supper with the Lord’s approval is the first day of the week! A certain day of a certain month is never mentioned in connection with it. So it cannot be a yearly service. Neither is a certain day of the month mentioned. It cannot, therefore, be a monthly service. Singing is another act of worship (Ephesians 5:19; Hebrews 2:12) We are not just commanded to have music, but rather we are commanded to have a certain kind of music, that is Singing. In Hebrews 2:12 we are told, “IN THE MIDST OF THE CHURCH WILL I SING PRAISE UNTO THEE.” To add instrumental music to the singing is to go beyond Christ’s doctrine. (II John 9-11) Any church that employs mechanical instruments in its worship is not identical with the New Testament church. But the true church of Christ limits its music to singing just as the church of the first century. The five acts of worship discussed above were the only acts of worship that the early church practiced. We search in vain for any other acts of worship enjoined upon Christians today.
Since early childhood I have heard people say that it does not make any difference what we believe, that if we are honest and sincere about it, God will save us anyway. Have you ever made such a statement? Most likely you have heard your preacher say the same thing. If he has, ask him for the verse in the Bible. You may have made this kind of statement because you have heard preachers make it, and naturally you thought it must be so. But if your preacher has been making it, he must have some reason for it since he claims to be following and teaching the Bible. He should make such statements providing the Bible says so. And if the Bible does say so, he will know where to find it. So ask him to give you the book, chapter, and verse.
Notice this scripture from II Thessalonians 2:11 %26amp; 12:
“AND FOR THIS CAUSE GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, THAT THEY SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE: THAT THEY ALL MIGHT BE DAMNED WHO BELIEVED NOT THE TRUTH, BUT HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.” This indeed is a very plain statement. It positively says that some would “believe a lie.” Certainly there is a vast difference between believing a lie and believing the truth. The truth is recorded in the word of God. If it is not taught in the word of God, it must be a lie.
Does it make any difference which of these one believes? The general idea is that it does not matter, provided one is sincere. Of course, he could not believe anything unless he is sincere. A person might pretend to believe a thing and be insincere about it. But if he actually believes it, he must be sincere. So the Bible speaks of men who are sincere, for it actually says they will “believe a lie.” But what of their sincerity? Will that atone for their mistake? Will God save them anyway, just because they are honest about it? Is that what the Bible said? No, that is not the way it reads at all.
Observe verse 12 again: “THAT THEY ALL MIGHT BE DAMNED WHO BELIEVED NOT THE TRUTH.” Notice the word “damned.” This means the very opposite of “saved.” Yet we are told that certain men would be damned. But who were to be damned? All those who believed a lie or believed not the truth. It does make quite a difference what a person believes! For if one is to be saved, he must believe the truth. To believe something else will result in damnation—regardless of how sincere a person might be.
In II Timothy 2:5 we read this: “AND IF A MAN ALSO STRIVE FOR MASTERIES, YET IS HE NOT CROWNED, EXCEPT HE STRIVE LAWFULLY.” When people say it makes no difference what we believe, they often add: “We are all striving for the same place anyway.” And evidently this is true. We are striving to reach heaven at last. But is striving the only thing that is necessary in order to reach that glorious reward? This is all that would be necessary if it makes no difference what we believe.
The Bible continues to tell us that striving alone is not sufficient—that a man may strive and still not be crowned, except he strive lawfully. The crowning referred to is the eternal reward in heaven—the crown of glory that fadeth not away. But yet a man may strive and still fail to receive the crown. Why? Because he may not strive lawfully. No person can reach that crown unless he strives lawfully! What does it mean to strive lawfully? It means to strive according to the law of the Lord. So if we strive contrary to that law we will not be crowned, regardless of how sincere we may be.
The law of the Lord is revealed in the New Testament. If we strive to go to heaven by some other way, we are not striving lawfully, and will not reach the destination we desire. These truths in the Bible clearly indicate that it does make a difference what a person believes and practices in religion.
With the Bible as our rule of faith and practice, containing as it does, the revelation of God’s will to us, we should be very anxious to do just the things it authorizes. This is especially true since we are saved from our past sins and become Christians only if we obey the truth. (John 8:32; John. 17:17)
Also we are to be judged by the word of the Lord. (John 12:48) Where does the Bible say, “that inspired men ever invited alien sinners, to the altar to pray for salvation?”
In Acts 22:16, we read of an alien sinner, engaged in prayer when the Lord sent a preacher to tell him what to do. Saul, who had been one of the worst enemies Christianity ever had, became convinced of the error of his way. He asked the Lord what he would have him to do. (Acts 9:6) Jesus told him to go to Damascus and there he would be told what he must do. (Acts 9:6) So he went to the city and waited for — that — information. Ananias, a gospel preacher, was sent to tell him what to do. When Ananias arrived he found Saul, the sinner, engaged in prayer. Many modern preachers would have told Saul to “pray on until you pray to pardon.” Did Ananias tell Saul to pray on? He did not! However, he told Saul exactly what God wanted him to do! He stopped Saul from praying and said: “AND NOW WHY TARRIEST THOU? ARISE, AND BE BAPTIZED, AND WASH AWAY THY SINS, CALLING ON THE NAME OF THE LORD.” (Acts 22:16) To “Arise,” means “to get up.” So Ananias told Saul to get up from his praying and do something else - to be baptized and wash away his sins. Has it ever occurred to you that the average preacher of our day would not tell an alien sinner what Ananias told Saul to do? That is, to “ARISE,” and to “BE BAPTIZED AND WASH AWAY THY SINS.” When one is thus baptized for the remission of his sins (Acts 2:38) he is obediently “CALLING ON THE NAME OF THE LORD.” (Acts 22:16; Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46)
We place value upon a thing by what is paid for it. It is obvious that God places the highest value upon the church since he was willing to give his only begotten Son for it. (John 3:16; Ephesians 5:25) Christ not only loved the church enough to die for it (Ephesians 5:25), but his church is the only institution where the lost can find salvation. (Acts 2:47; Ephesians 5:23)
We are dedicated to the restoration of New Testament Christianity. Won’t you lend your influence to this worthy goal? We are neither Catholic nor Protestant. We are simply Christians. (Acts 26:28; I Peter 4:16) Isn’t this sufficient?
We regard the Bible as the final word. We strive to allow a visitor to be a stranger but once. Please “Come and see” and “Go and tell” others!
There are many paths to a destination. A car needs a road. A train needs tracks. People have different strengths and weaknesses.
Not unless you too are deceived.
Doctrines are man made, I only follow Christ through the Bible.
D. all of the above and every other religion too
I want to sing that to the tune of ';It's The End of the World as we Know It';
I think none of those are.
you forgot to put catholics in there. their doctrines are as false as any other christian group, since jesus is a false god.
Doctrines are always false. There are no comprehensive, terminal and true answers on everything.
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