When answering, please keep in mind that religion is one of Satan’s hidden dynasties; thus, he and his helpers do some of their “best” work from the pulpits of many Christian churches.Christians, by teaching what false doctrine are many taught to worship Satan, right ...?
The one that comes to mind is the ';rapture doctrine'; . There are people who actually think that Christ is going to come and rapture [fly] them to heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth. The word rapture is not even in the bible. Some think that 1st Thessalonians describes the rapture when it certainly does not. Another source of the rapture doctrine (or any minute doctrine) is a lady with the last name of McDonald, who in 1937(?) , misinterpreted the part of scripture that said '; two ladies were in the milling shed , one was taken and the other one left';. While McDonald was in a fever she said that it was God who revealed to her that it was He (God) that took the one lady. It of course is wrong , it was satan that took the other lady. The bible was saying that in the end times satan would pretend to be Christ and many would be fooled , THAT is the correct interpretation of that scripture. God tells us what He thinks of the rapture doctrine in Ezekiel chapter 13 verse 20. God says that He is against those that sew pillows (lies) over His outstretched hands and put covers over them whereby those people are lost. God says ';I AM AGAINST IT'; !!! In fact He says it twice for emphasis. In some bibles it mentions ';birds';, which denotes flying but it is still an inaccurate translation. My best advice is to access an on-line Strong's Concordance for a more accurate quote of the original manuscripts.Christians, by teaching what false doctrine are many taught to worship Satan, right ...?
The ';inerrancy'; of the Bible and the ';infallibility'; of the Fundamentalist who interpret it.
Matthew warned about false prophets and teachers
Satan is a myth - there is no such thing. The name is a derivation of the Hebrew word for ';adversary'; - ';saatan';... see the similarity? If you don't you need glasses.
Any doctrine that goes against the gospel would have to be considered false doctrine the gospel being
Jesus is the Son of God, the messiah spoken of by the prophets
Jesus is God in the flesh, fully man, fully God
Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world
Jesus rose bodily on the 3rd day and ascended to the right hand of the Father
Jesus will come back to judge the quick and the dead
To be saved one must believe this gospel
I think anything else would be considered false doctrine
yes you would be right but how many ';teachers'; would admit to it? There are ';preachers'; out there that know what there teaching is false but there doing it for the money. So if the conviction of God can't sway there minds than how can we? Conviction is the most heavly used means by God I would think. Like when your sitting in church for the first time and your hearing the Gospel. You feel that conviction that your a lost, and God is trying to open your heart. You feel your heart beating so hard you can't take it anymore. You go down to the altar and ask Jesus into your heart, you than feel so much relief. That all this weight was pulled off of your shoulders. But yet some will still sit there, or some will still continue doing what it is that they are doing. Conviction....its all about conviction
I heard that the first christian who worshiped Satan was a priest ,and he was the one who founded the Gothic Church .
I don't know if anyone knowingly worships Satan; mostly people just love sin. Satan works to increase that love.
He teaches that God is unfair, therefore there is no God. If there is a God, then God is insubstantial and mute, and will not answer prayers or speak to modern prophets. If he does speak to prophets, then we don't have to obey them or keep his commandments; that by acknowledgement of Christ alone we are saved.
Thus Satan works to diminish God, and nullify his teachings. He has had great success in most of the modern churches, who find every exuse not to follow or believe in living prophets. They point to scriptures about false prophets while following men who teach them to worship a mute God. A false prophet is a man who endeavors to lead mankind by speaking for God, but does so without true authority, and without direct revelation. The world is full of false prophets.
There are also true prophets who have authority given from God, and teach that God is real, and does answer prayers and reveal himself to men. They teach us to keep God's commandments, and worship him in truth and light. God loves his spirit children, and will not forsake them, if they will turn to him, and keep his commandments.
You are very correct. Satan is now in the churches.
God has angels. Satan convinced some.
God has His Church. Satan built his own.
Always wanting what God has.
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