Sunday, February 7, 2010

If This is considered false Doctrine? Then is everything Brigham Young said false?

It would stand to reason to me that if the following statement and teaching of Brigham Young is considered false doctrine now in the church, then wouldn't everything he said be false? And why would there be a Brigham Young University if he taught False Doctrine?

Adam-God. First taught openly in a conference message by second President Brigham Young on April 9, 1852, Young claimed that Adam was Michael the Archangel, the Ancient of Days, and that Eve was ';one of his wives.'; Young also said Adam ';is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do'; (Journal of Discourses 1:50). This teaching has been the source of much controversy and has since been denounced. In 1976, President Spencer Kimball referred to the Adam-God ';theory'; as false doctrineIf This is considered false Doctrine? Then is everything Brigham Young said false?
Yes, it's false. Along with everything Paul, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, and LRon Hubbard ever said.If This is considered false Doctrine? Then is everything Brigham Young said false?
Pretty much everything Brigham Young said was false.
another reason why one must have the magisterium to interpret scripture
Yes and yes.
nice. and idk
First realise trhe truth and separate GOD from RELIGION. GOD is for each and every human to believe in or not but it is a PERSONAL AND PRIVATE belief. No church or religion is needed. Religion is tribalism, you are either in or out! Every RELIGION is man made FOR man (the guy who started or runs it) and to control man. Sunday morning at church is for you to SHOW others that you are a ';Godfearing and Devout man';. All this after the Bible said that a good man prayed quietly in a corner where none could see him and not on the street for all to see. Forget your question, read some Physics or Chemistry. PROOF is irrefutable, as in science. I personally do not want to worship an entity who created a world where we must kill to eat and thus survive, that is a sick joke, but, to then introduce an evil nasty animal like mankind shows it not to be a joke. Why should and HOW COULD I be asked to worship such a ';GOD';.

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